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Leather Care Sofa Lotion 250 ml for the care and protection of leather sofas and leather furniture

144 Bewertungen
Original price €19,95
Original price €34,90
Current price €19,95
250.0 ml | €79,80 / l
VAT included.
Taille: 1x leather care lotion
€79,80 / 1 l
€55,90 / 1 l
(30% savings)
€47,96 / 1 l
(40% savings)
€35,87 / 1 l
(55% savings)

60 Tage
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Versand ab 25€

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FAQ: Antworten auf häufige Fragen

Ist die Lotion verträglich für Haustiere?

Ja, die Lotion ist ungefährlich für Haustiere und hat auch keine Gefahrstoffkennzeichnung. Warte einfach, bis die Lotion in das Leder eingezogen ist. Dann kannst du deinen Liebling wieder darauf lassen.


Ist die Lotion für Büffel- bzw. Ziegenleder, (Semi-) Anilinleder und Nappaleder geeignet?

Ja, solange es sich um Glattleder handelt, ist die Lotion dafür geeignet. 


Leder Balsam oder Leder Lotion – welches ist das passende Produkt?

Die Leder Lotion ist flüssiger, das heißt sie dringt besser großflächig in trockenes, rissiges Leder ein. Sie ist daher am besten für große Flächen wie Möbelstücke oder Autositze geeignet. Der Leder Balsam ist ideal für Kleidung und Zaumzeug. 


Welche Farbe hat die Lotion?

Sie ist farblos und deswegen für alle Lederarten geeignet.


Wie oft sollte ich es verwenden?

Wir empfehlen einen Abstand von 2 Monaten zwischen Behandlungen. Aber auch eine häufigere Anwendung tut dem Leder nur gut.


Kann ich mich nach der Behandlung auf das Sofa setzen?

Vergewissere dich, dass du überschüssige Lotion mit dem Schwamm abgetragen hast und gewartet hast, bis die Lotion vollständig eingezogen ist. Nach wenigen Stunden kannst du dich sicher wieder problemlos darauf setzen.


Wie ergiebig ist die Flasche?

Mit der 250ml Dose bekommst du ein kleines 2-Sitzer Sofa gut gepflegt. Für 3-Sitzer oder mehrere Anwendungen greife am besten zum Doppelpack.


Bekämpft die Lotion auch Gerüche und reinigt sie?

Die Lotion reinigt leichte Verschmutzungen und gleicht kleine Kratzer aus. Wir empfehlen vor der Anwendung eine gründliche Reinigung und dafür zum Beispiel unseren Lederreiniger für alle Leder. Die Lotion riecht nach dem enthaltenen Bienenwachs, für die aktive Bekämpfung von Gerüchen empfehlen wir aber unseren Geruchsvernichter Textil.


Bekomme ich damit auch Schweiß- und Wasserflecken raus?

Ja, auch dafür ist der Reiniger sehr gut geeignet.


☔️ Protects against dirt and moisture

✓ Moisturizing & nourishing

👍 Free from resins, silicones & aerosol

🍀 Good for the environment

😉 Made in Germany

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    Bei Unzufriedenheit: Geld zurück

    Das Problem

    Genuine leather is a natural product. In order for it to retain its natural beauty over the long term, the material must be able to breathe. Conventional leather conditioners often contain resins and silicones , causing them to clog the leather's tiny pores . The result: Repeated application can lead to layering of the product, which leads to gray cracking . If this occurs, the natural look of the material is lost.

    Die Lösung

    With the leather care lotion from Emma Grün, you are doing your leather a threefold service of love: First, you free your leather from light dirt particles with the help of the low soap content. Secondly, wool grease provides the leather with sufficient moisture without making it greasy or sticky. Thirdly, the high-quality beeswax seals and protects your leather from moisture, renewed dirt and unsightly scratches. And the best thing is: The gentle, nourishing lotion gives your leather a natural, silky sheen look and all without toxic chemicals !

    Anwendung & Weitere Informationen

    Anwendung & Weitere Informationen

    Anwendung: The leather care lotion by Emma Grün is suitable for treating imitation and natural leather as well as for boot care. You can use them in various ways. Starting as a nourishing lotion for leather couches & co. to caring for jackets, shoes or bags. Your leather car seats will also shine in new splendor. And this is how you go about cleaning the leather sofa: 1. Clean the leather sofa: Remove dust and crumbs from the surfaces. 2. Caring for the leather couch: Apply the leather care lotion thinly and evenly to the leather. For this you should use the special sponge that we sent home with your leather sofa care product. 3. Be patient: Now you give the product some time to soak in. 4. Enjoy the result: Your leather sofa will shine like new! To ensure that your favorite pieces are prepared for the stressful demands of everyday life, you should repeat your leather sofa care routine every four weeks. Note: We recommend that you always test the spray on an invisible area for compatibility before use.

    Inhaltsstoffe: Wool wax, vegetable surfactants, high-quality beeswax, preservatives

    Hinweis: Stets vor der Anwendung an einer unauffälligen Stelle testen. Von Kindern fernhalten.

    Geeignete Oberflächen

    Jede Oberfläche braucht ihre eigene Behandlung – von Glattleder über Holz bis zu
    Marmor. Hier siehst du, wo du das Produkt am besten einsetzen kannst.


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    NEU: Emma ist bio-zertifiziert

    Wir sind enorm stolz: Emma Grün ist für den Verkauf von Bio-Lebensmittel durch die Prüfgesellschaft ökologischer Landbau mbH bio-zertifiziert (Kontrollstellen-Code: DE-ÖKO-007)

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    Das Emma Grün 100% Zufriedenheits-Versprechen

    Wir stehen für nachhaltige und wirksame Produkte zu fairen Preisen. Wir sind erst glücklich, wenn du es auch bist. Was uns jeden Tag anspornt: Dass ihr unserem jungen Team schon über hunderttausend Mal das Vertrauen geschenkt habt.

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    Wenn du Fragen zu Bestellungen und Produkten hast, freuen wir uns, über den Chat oder per E-Mail von dir zu hören.

    ~ Jannik & Louis

    Gründer von Emma Grün

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    Schneller Versand, sichere Bezahlung & bester Preis

    Bei Verschmutzungen, kleinen Reparaturen und Bastelprojekten muss es schon mal schnell gehen. Wir versenden deine Bestellung deswegen immer direkt am nächsten Tag. Wenn du früh bestellst, sogar am selben Tag.

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    Customer Reviews

    Based on 144 reviews
    Sandra F.
    Lederpflege Lotion

    Bin sehr zufrieden mit diesem Produkt.

    Sabine H.

    Super Produkt! Direkt angewendet, der Ledersessel sieht aus wie neu

    Pflegt die Schuhe gut

    Habe es schon für mehrere Paar Schuhe genommen und hat selbst bei den Rauleder-Bergschuhen richtig gut funktioniert, sehen aus wie neu.

    Clément B.
    Great product !!

    Great product, easy to apply, nice smell. Thanks !!

    Antje B.
    Tolles Set

    Im Set ist alles, was man braucht. 3 Pflegeprodukte, eine Bürste und ein Schwamm. Wir haben es gleich ausprobiert und sind super zufrieden

    Ratgeber & Hintergrundinfos

    Even our grandmothers knew how to make use of the natural product beeswax: Because even in the olden days, people knew what caring special features the actual residual product of honey production had to offer. But how is beeswax actually produced, what properties does it have and what can it be used for?


    How is beeswax made?


    Beeswax is made solely by worker bees. They produce it at a young age of twelve to eighteen days. Because it is precisely at this time of their six-week life that the animal's wax glands are most efficient and they are most productive. The bees produce the wax with the help of their eight pairs of wax glands, which are located between the third and sixth abdominal ring of the little animal. For this purpose, high-quality fatty acids and alcohols are converted into organic substance groups in the glands and then transported in liquid form to the intermediate ring pockets. This is exactly where tiny white wax flakes are formed. This process is also known as "sweating out". The colorless wax flakes are then kneaded by the bees using their mouthparts and spit and used to build honeycombs.

    Which leather products benefit from care with beeswax?


    Beeswax is a natural substance that cares for and nourishes leather, providing it with everything it needs to last a long time. However, not all leather is the same and requires the same treatment. Not only the tanning process, but also the sealing plays a decisive role in the type of care. So one thing is certain: not every leather care product is suitable for every type of leather.


    Care products made from beeswax are suitable for all types of smooth leather as well as artificial leather. Hiking shoes made of suede also shine in new splendor with the help of the natural product. For suede, on the other hand, leather fat made from beeswax is not suitable in most cases. But here too, as everywhere in life, exceptions make the rule.


    Leather grease: beeswax as a shoe care product


    All in all, you can care for all shoes with natural wax. However, it is important to only ever apply a very thin layer of beeswax to the leather. If you overdo it, the tiny pores of the material can clog. As a result, the leather can no longer breathe and over time loses its natural radiance and becomes brittle.


    Leather grease: beeswax for saddles & bridles


    Riding accessories also require attention and care. Products with natural beeswax, such as Emma Grün's leather balm, are particularly suitable for this. Since saddles and bridles are particularly stressed by external environmental influences, weekly care makes sense. Because the material only stays soft and supple if you take good care of and nourish the natural material. In equestrian sports, the positive effect also fulfills another factor: the safety aspect. In this way, brittle and cracked areas can be prevented or detected early on when caring for the leather. Because something that is only visually important on a sofa or leather jacket would end in disaster with a torn bridle or stirrups at full gallop.


    Leather care: beeswax for furniture


    Depending on the type of material, beeswax is of course also suitable for your leather furniture. If you are not sure, it is advisable to test the leather conditioner on an area that is not visible to the eye beforehand. In order not to oversaturate the leather, the same applies here: less is more! Otherwise apply sparingly and feel the benefits of natural care.


    Leather care: Beeswax for garments


    If the leather is suitable for care with beeswax, you should regularly pamper your favorite pieces with the natural product. In this way you provide them with everything they need and can enjoy them every day. By the way: Don't worry about the distinctive smell that beeswax has. The leather balm from Emma Grün smells very pleasant due to the natural perfumes. And all without artificial fragrances.


    What positive properties does beeswax have for leather?


    As the name suggests, beeswax is made of wax. This has the effect that leather can benefit from two positive properties at the same time: A good balance between moisturizing and moisturizing. The natural product also ensures additional impregnation. This means the leather retains its breathability but moisture and moisture cannot penetrate. However, the quality of the wax plays an important role here. Synthetically manufactured products tend to have a negative effect on leather. They clog the tiny pores of the leather, prevent it from breathing and make it brittle and cracked due to reduced breathability. They are also harmful to the environment and can also trigger allergies.


    Sustainable care products with natural beeswax like those from Emma Grün work without toxic chemicals. They work through a combination of different home remedies that our grandmothers used and appreciated for good reason. Accordingly, they achieve the best results without harming people or the environment and are therefore the perfect leather care for your favorite pieces.